BARS Club Meeting
7pm Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Location: Pioneer Village City Hall
Program: How to build antennas for POTA by WA4VOC.
BARS Club Meeting
7pm Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Location: Pioneer Village City Hall
Program: Raspberry Pi and its usefulness in
amateur radio operations.
B.A.R.S. 2-Meter Net Tuesday at 7:00pm
146.70 MHz Repeater - No Net on Meeting Nights
Happenings Throughout This Year
April 8: SHOW AND TELL - a new one this year. Bring your favorite or most recent project to share and talk about.
May 13: Nontraditional Antenna Contest. Make an antenna out of something different. Let's have some more participation rather than the usual suspects.
June 10: Field Day Planning and introduction to contest operating and computer logging. Make plans to be there and invite a friend or two or three.
Also, be looking for notices of club POTA ops popping up from time to time.
Regular monthly meetings are at Becknell Hall (pictured), also known as the Pioneer Village City Hall, located at 4700 Summitt Drive. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, except when special events are scheduled, such as our annual picnic and Christmas bruncheon. These events and times will be posted and will take the place of our regular meetings.
Directions: From the Gene Snyder (I-265), take Preston Highway (Hwy 61) south to Bullitt County. Follow Preston to the traffic light before the 84 Lumber. There is a sign indicating the Pioneer Village City Hall to the right. Turn right, this is Summitt Drive. Follow Summitt until you see Mini's U-Stuff-It Self Storage on the left. Becknell Hall is immediately afterwards on your left.