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ARRL Kids Day - Twice a year, ARRL offers an event designed to promote Amateur Radio to our youth.

Connect On the Air - Looking for someone to talk to? Find details about nets operated by and for youth. Click on the net name to open the window where you'll find details on operation.


Outreach to Youth - Learn how the ARRL is reaching out to teach Amateur Radio to young people.

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ARRL Youth and Amateur Radio - From the American Radio Relay League. The ARRL is a not-for-profit organization that promotes interest in Amateur Radio communications.

Hunter's Search Dog Kids Area - Learn all about Search And Rescue Dogs. Also wilderness tips, and activity book, games and lots of pictures of SAR Dogs.

Amateur Radio Comic Books - Featuring The Adventures of Zack and Max. The comic books were created by Icom Corporation.

NASA Kids Club - Learn about space, rockets, airplanes, astronauts and play games.

​Ready Kids! - Disasters affect everyone. And so it takes everyone to help prepare. Learn how you can help. For kids, teens, families, educators and organizations. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Other Interesting Radio Links

History of the Car Radio - Do you have a radio in your family's car? Did you ever wonder when cars started coming out with radios? Here's a great page by Carly Hallman all about car radios from the first ones to today's technology and beyond.


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