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Amateur Radio Study Material
For Your Technician License

Study Material Links (2022-2026 Technician Question Pool)

Amateur Radio Technician License Course 2022-2026

By Gary Stevens KE2GS

Free on YouTube. This is a 14-part course with 4 lessons covering the exact questions and answers from the over 400 questions from the 2022-2026 exam pool. Gary doesn't give just questions and answers, but provides an explanation to help you understand what you are studying. If you're serious about getting into amateur radio and want to learn the information behind the questions and answers, this is the course for you. Gary is an Amateur Extra and has been teaching amateur radio for over 15 years and his lessons are a great opportunity to learn from his knowledge of amateur radio.

KBNU's No-Nonsense Study Guides

By Dan Romanchik KB6NU 

This free PDF manual will help you get your license, but getting your license is only the beginning. It will teach you the answers to the test questions, but not give you a deep understanding of electronics, radio, or the rules and regulations. Simply read through the manual and take some practice tests. The PDF version for Technician Class is free. Study guides for Technician, General and Extra Classes are available and other formats may be purchased. (Free Registration Required) provides a better set of tools to study for your license. (Also includes General and Amateur Extra.) It's free, but you will need to log in with your email, Facebook account or Google account. I had to use the same name as in my email (in this case my Google email) for the name the website asks you to enter. So, if your email is, you will need to use the name "john" when asked to enter your name. The purpose of registering is so you can keep track of your progress. There are options to study flash cards, read questions and take practice tests. These sources are also available for General and Amateur Extra. A phone app is also available for $3.99.

2022-2026 Technician Question Pool Release

These are files of all the questions from the Technician Class Pool. CORRECT ANSWERS ARE NOT DESIGNATED. These Word and PDF documents have all the questions and multiple choice answers exactly as they will be on the exam. Graphics files are in a separate PDF document.

Take A Sample Test

Think you're ready to take the test. Try your skill online first. These sites provide online tests to challenge your skills. Questions are taken directly from the question pool and are provided randomly as if you were taking the real exam. Good luck!

Note: Exams for Technician, General and Extra are all available.

ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio (Free Registration - Required) Ham Exams

QRZ's Practice Amateur Radio Exams (Free Registration Required)


This service provides online courses integrating study materials with question drills using the actual exam questions and answers. Your progress is tracked and focuses on your weak areas, drilling questions you get wrong more often than ones you get right. This is an opportunity to actually learn the material and not just memorize it. See the website for pricing.

All files are linked to the original source material pages. Please report broken links to Webmaster.

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