About the
KY4KY.com Email List
What is the KY4KY.com Email List?
The KY4KY.com Email List was created for email communications between members of the Bullitt Amateur Radio Society and others interested in Amateur Radio. If you're familiar with KYHAM, this is the same thing. Each person subscribes to the KY4KY.com Email List. Subscribers may then email everybody on the list with a single email. It's a great way to communicate with everyone on the list.
How do I subscribe KY4KY.com Email List?
Subscribing to the list is simple. Go to ky4ky.com/mailman/listinfo/ky4ky_ky4ky.com. Enter the email, name and password you wish to use and click on the Subscribe button. You will be sent a mailing list subscription confirmation notice. Follow the instructions to confirm your subscription to become a member of the list. It's all done automatically! Emails to the list may be sent only from your subscription address.
Does it cost anything to subscribe to the list?
No. This is a free service provided through KY4KY.com and the Bullitt Amateur Radio Society.
What about my privacy?
Privacy is important to everyone, including us. Others viewing your member listing will see only a link and not your actual email address. The list is not sold or shared with anyone.
What about spam?
Spam shouldn't be a problem. This list is by subscription, so a non-subscriber cannot send emails to subscribers. Also, a legitimate email is required to subscribe and a reply is required.
As a list policy, sending spam email is unacceptable. We also frown on off-topic information having nothing to do with ham radio. Any spamming will result in immediate removal from the list. Off-topic emails will be handled on an individual basis, but we recognize the diversity of amateur radio and are open to many related topics including, but not limited to, computers, electronics, weather, etc.
Can I easily unsubscribe from the KY4KY.com Email List?
It is as easy to unsubscribe from the list as to subscribe. You may also change your email address, the way your name is displayed, or other information. Instructions are emailed when you subscribe and on the first of each month afterwards. You may also change other mailing options.
What else can you tell me about the list?
Emails may be sent with pictures, Adobe Reader (PDF) files, documents and other non-executeable attachments. Potentially dangerous attachments such as executeable files (.exe, .com, .reg, .scr, etc.) will be filtered out and deleted to protect users.